Timing of school are frequently changed due to unique routine of school. Before changing of timing it is written on school gate.
Education technology and school construction go together. Modernization, updating education facilities, and making a capital investment in education are all included
Leave Holidays
Leaves other than Holiday authorized by the school will no be granted except emergency cases usually four holidays are given to students in a month. The date of holidays is announced just a few days before. For seeking emergency leave, application must be sent to school with one of the parents signature of one of the parents should make call at school number. In case of absence without taking permission, one of the parents must come to school next day with student.
Grand Tutorial
The administration tries that every student may get opportunity to express his talent at weekends in tutorial period. Similarly grand tutorial is held in school usually after every 4 months. This is in fact interclass competition where student build life-long speaking confidence in front of hundreds of student. This becomes their beginning for public speaking.